Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Brightwood Education Center walks to support NEW and end homelessness

On October 25th, students and teachers at Brightwood Education Center held a "mini walk" in support of NEW as part of the annual Help the Homeless Walkathon program.

NEW executive director Wanda Steptoe says, "Brightwood E.C. has been a faithful walk supporter for several years. We're so thankful for the hard work of Quiana Riley, and the children, teachers, staff and principal, who all come together to make their annual mini walk a wonderful success. We truly appreciate all that they do to help NEW, and to help end homelessness."

Mini walks are a big part of our Help the Homeless fundraising and awareness efforts. Last year more than 1,000 students--and over 1,400 walkers in all--participated in mini walks and the Walkathon to support New Endeavors by Women. With their help, we raised over $40,000! Join us this year to support our five housing programs that are home to over 120 women and children.

There's still time to sign up to support NEW through the annual Fannie Mae Help the Homeless Walkathon on November 20th. Sign up online at www.helpthehomelessdc.org to walk for us!

More photos from the Brightwood Education Center mini walk: