Friday, October 1, 2010

Success Story Profile : Tina

photo of Tina

Hi, I am Tina and I want to share with you my story - one of opportunity and growth based on my foundation at New Endeavors.

I came to New Endeavors from the Harbor Light Center Treatment Facility after struggling with homelessness for more than 15 years. Stuck in an abusive relationship, I used and sold drugs to cope with my living situation. Eventually my life style led me to the Penal System. Again not wanting to go to jail for the sixth time, I pleaded with the Judge to award me Drug Treatment.

I went to treatment with no hopes of being able to stay clean but thought at least I'll be free again and this time be better with my addiction, but GOD always has His plan for us. Something happened while in treatment; I actually surrender my life to GOD and believed that there was some hope for me. Now treatment was over and I wanted to remain sober and actually live.

Even though I was ready to make a change, I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I had experienced mental, physical, and sexual abuse. I was addicted to drugs, had been incarcerated several times, was still on parole, and had a 15-year gap in my work history. I needed help and I knew it. I shared my desires and fears with my counselor at the Harbor Light Center and she said "Tina, I know the perfect Transitional House for you". She sent me to New Endeavors to be accessed for entry and I was accepted after two interviews. I can truly say that's when I got my life back.

Immediately, New Endeavors gave me a Case Manager. My case manager was very honest, hospitable, professional, loving, kind and concerned. Because of that, I was very comfortable with her and was able to be honest about who I was, about the mess I made of my life and how I needed to be helped. From the very beginning, we set goals and created plans to reach the goals that were set. New Endeavors had rules and guidelines for every client to follow. My case manager created a plan structured just for me. I had nine months of Aftercare Treatment, mandatory NA meetings, job readiness courses, daily chores, and mandatory groups. When I failed to follow rules, guidelines and my set plans, there were consequences. And believe me when I say, "my case manager didn't bend - not even a little".

Working together with my case manager and parole officer, I was able to stabilize my life so that I am no longer on parole which opened up many new doors for employment opportunities. I had to unlearn some things and re-learn some things in order to become a decent, constructive member of society again. New Endeavors taught me how to be responsible. They taught me how to make and keep appointments, take medication now prescribed and ask for help when I needed. Thanks to New Endeavors, my life became very structured. Now I know how to make good sound decisions and the best choices for myself. I am motivated, responsible, respectful, grateful and humble.

While at New Endeavors, I applied for and was accepted in a one year Training Program at Thrive DC as a part-time Program Assistant where I receive a stipend. I worked alongside Thrive DC's Program Coordinator to ensure that over 250 homeless men and women receive quality support services each morning. I made huge strides in becoming employment-ready and independent, gaining knowledge in hospitality and human services. I saved 30% of my stipend and stuck to a weekly budget and schedule that my case manager and I created. Because of the reception and love I received from New Endeavors, I've developed a passion for helping people and now crave a career in the Social Services field. My stay at New Endeavors was a success and I'll be forever thankful and grateful for them. In addition to my training as a Program Assistant, I'm also employed at N Street Village Shelter as a Volunteer Employee and plan to attend UDC in the fall of 2010 in pursuit of a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology. Eighteen months sober, I am now in independent living, paying 30% of my income and just loving it. I am forever grateful to New Endeavors because they welcomed me with open arms, gave me a home and helped me pick up the pieces.

To sum it all up, New Endeavors has given me hope. I feel like I have another chance in life. Please understand; I’m not saying that everything is perfect. I look forward to creating an even better life one day, one week, one month, and one year at a time. New Endeavors gave me the firm-footing that I needed to acknowledge my issues, deal with my failures, and learn from past mistakes as I continue to strive towards building a better future.